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Special Consideration


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Long time lurker. My stats are 160 NOV 2022 LSAT write and cgpa 3.7+. I applied as special consideration and wondering if I should not have given when special consideration applicants have been admitted based on last years accepted thread, which has been late March onwards. And whether applying in the special consideration category could actually hurt my chances?  I feel my stats are competitive in the regular category. I could be wrong.

So I guess I have two questions. When submitting as a special consideration candidate do they see if you can get admitted on your stats in the regular category and if not re-evaluate you amongst the special consideration candidates. Or will they hold off and just compare my stats and special considerations among other special consideration candidates. 

I am asking because my special considerations are not too "special". Mostly work to put myself through school and then going to school while in management roles causing me to withdraw from a few courses and hurting me my first year, working full-time and full course load and first year university, I kind of fell behind. Also 12 years work experience in management positions. 


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  • Law School Admit

My understanding is there is pool for special consideration applications that are decided on at the same time in March and May. But if you don’t get in that way you don’t then get considered under regular stream as well. You can likely contact the administrator and ask for a re-classification. I don’t know if they do that but I maybe worth a try. 
In regards to the things that qualify you. Your information on what the reason that you think should be given special consideration is vague so it’s hard to say - but normally they are looking for more exceptional circumstances and those that may have been caused by discrimination or at times mature students (no official rules but I think over 30). 

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  • Law School Admit
On 12/27/2022 at 9:11 PM, alchemyandluck said:

...but normally they are looking for more exceptional circumstances and those that may have been caused by discrimination or at times mature students (no official rules but I think over 30). 

Thank you for the reply.

Withheld a little bit about considerations for privacy concerns so I'll elaborate a little now if it helps. They are exceptional circumstances as mentioned per admission pages, historically disadvantaged individual, mature (over 30) but not willing to give me than that for privacy concerns. What I meant about them not being "special" is that I am aware there are alot more individuals who have dealt with circumstances far beyond what I have been through. 

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