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UofT vs UBC


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  • Law School Admit

Hi there, 

I received admission offers from both UofT and UBC, but I am unsure which school I should choose as they are both great options. Ultimately, I would like to work and live in Vancouver, so I am wondering if UBC would be a better fit as they likely have more connections in British Columbia. However, there are more big law jobs in Toronto (and law jobs in general). I am open to exploring different areas of law but I am currently learning toward medical malpractice law. 

Please let me know if you have any insight! 

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  • Law School Admit

Seeing as you want to live and work in Vancouver, UBC seems like the more appropriate choice. While UofT is undeniably an excellent and prestigious law school, I don't think it makes sense for you to relocate and pick it over UBC (unless you are specifically interested in pursuing a big law job in Toronto).

Even then: UBC is also an excellent and prestigious school and won't hinder your ability to pursue different areas of law should you choose to do so. Certainly, I would imagine that it's a better choice if you want to stay on the west coast, but it will not completely close the door for you on the east coast either.

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  • Law Student
3 hours ago, lawstudent2023 said:

Hi there, 

I received admission offers from both UofT and UBC, but I am unsure which school I should choose as they are both great options. Ultimately, I would like to work and live in Vancouver, so I am wondering if UBC would be a better fit as they likely have more connections in British Columbia. However, there are more big law jobs in Toronto (and law jobs in general). I am open to exploring different areas of law but I am currently learning toward medical malpractice law. 

Please let me know if you have any insight! 

I don't know anything about medical malpractice law, but if you want to work in BC, UBC will make that easier in general

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  • Law School Admit

UBC is a no brainer here. Even if you want to venture into big law, you can do that from UBC with much less debt. 

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  • Lawyer

Definitely UBC. U of T grads can get jobs in Van no problem, but why would you take on that additional tuition? Your networking opportunities would also be easier coming from UBC.

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  • Lawyer

As many others have already stated, UBC seems to be the logical choice here but I appreciate the difficulty in letting a spot go at UofT. 

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