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Attending Lakehead but working in B.C.

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Has anyone attended Lakehead and managed to get a job in B.C or is planning on taking this route? Looking for more information on this as Lakehead is currently my only option.

Thank you!

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  • Law Student

Hi there,

I just finished 1L, and although I am not from B.C., I know of two individuals in my year who are. One is planning on staying in Ontario, but the other wants to move back to their home in B.C.

Sadly, I don't have too much information for you, but I wanted to say that it is possible. I would think that the hardest part is that your connections made in law school in Ontario likely won't help you as much as if you went to a school in B.C.. However, it is 100% possible to find a job in B.C., even if you go to school in Ontario. Also, I am sure the student service advisors would be happy to help you out if this is the route you want to follow if you end up going to BLFL.

Hope this helps!

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  • Applicant

Thank you so much for the insight! 

Would I be able to DM you and as you a few Q's as an incoming BLFL 1L?

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  • Law Student

For sure! I'd be happy to help where I can.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there. I know a current student from B.C. attending Lakehead. I can try to answer this based on what I have heard.

It is possible to work in B.C., but you will be at a disadvantage if you have a goal to go directly into an OCI recruit. This is not something Lakehead has a focus on. Also, if you are taking the financial burden to attend, this would not be advisable. The student I know has significant financial backing and also seems to have plans to live/work in Ontario. Many Lakehead graduates have success in getting Toronto jobs (we have some working in big law firms in Toronto, like Gowlings/McCarthy/Borden Gervais), but if you never plan to work in Ontario at all, you will miss this opportunity. 

From what I can see, there are not many graduates from B.C., so I would not be discouraged by the lack of information. I would reach out to alumni there and any current students at Lakehead from B.C. I am sure you can find them in one of the groups.

Best of luck!

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