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Missed OCI Deadline...next steps for career


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I'm a rising 2L in Toronto. I'm interested in Big Law - not sure if I would spend the rest of my life at a large firm, but am interested in summering/articling at a full service firm. Unfortunately, I missed the OCI deadline for my cohort because my mom was getting major surgery and she was my priority at the time. Did I miss the window to enter into the large firms since many of them keep their summer students on for articling? My understanding is that many of them don't even participate in the Articling Recruit 

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  • Articling Student

You're correct in saying that the primary pathway into biglaw is through the 2L recruit. The articling recurit, at least in Toronto, really only has a couple of firms that would meet the definition of biglaw. 

There are other pathways avalible to you, but I don't think they'd be worthwhile if your goal was just to work for a summer at a firm. Candidly though, I don't really understand why you'd want to article somewhere you won't be returning to. 

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  • Articling Student

Just through process of elimination, if you missed OCIs, you have to apply to firms that hire outside the OCIs.

This is not terrible for two reasons:

(1) You said you are "not sure if I would spend the rest of my life at a large firm," and this form of job will help you test whether or not you do in fact like it.

(2) If you choose wisely, and you get high grades, big forms will still consider you for articling one year later. A good reference from a small firm will go a long way, and is much better IMO than not working for a law firm in 2L.

Edited by SNAILS
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