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Canadian Law Student looking to Transfer to US School or Eventually Practice in the United States


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I am a Canadian law student entering 2L and looking to transfer to a US school. Long story short, I want to move to the United States either during or after my legal education.

I am debating whether to complete my degree here or transfer to a US school of similar standing to my current one. My main concern is if I need to start 1L again or if my credits would transfer over. I am also wondering if getting a Canadian degree is a better idea first. I am not sure what I would need to do after getting my JD here.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

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  • Law Student

No ABA approved law school in the US will allow you to transfer over from a different country.  You would have to apply to a law school in the US and start over. Other options include transferring to uOttawa or Windsor and doing their dual JD programs which are partnered with US law schools and allow you to take an extra year and be eligible for US bar - but my understanding is that these programs are not well viewed in the US because the partner Universities are not sufficiently well-regarded within the US.


Your likely best option is to finish your JD in Canada and then take a bar exam in a universal bar jurisdiction like New York.  https://www.nybarexam.org/Foreign/ForeignLegalEducation.htm 

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Also uCalgarys program with uHouston. uHouston is pretty well regarded and a decent law school in Texas. More than 25% of the class that’s employed gets BL job offers paying Cravath Scale.


Way more opportunity in the states. My buddy went to a school on a full ride that’s about ranked ~110ish rank and still got a BLaw offer finishing top 20% of his class and started up his own firm after a 3 year stint and is doing amazing. 

in your spot though I’d probably write the UBE. 

Edited by 2easy
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