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Do Canadian Law Schools require disclosure of disciplinary actions (probation, suspension, expulsion) on the law school application?


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  • Undergrad

To my understanding, law schools in the US require disclosure on their law school apps and there are a ton of worried C&F questions popping up everywhere because of this. I understand that, in many instances, Canadian Good Character requirements are similar and one will not be called to the bar unless the issues have been sufficiently resolved/paid back to society. However, I have barely seen anybody talk about their suspension/expulsions (other than one who got expelled due to Sexual Assault but ended up getting into UBC), do law schools just not care here? 

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It's not that Canadian schools don't care - it's that the job of determining character & fitness belongs to the provincial Law Societies.

I recall during orientation week that the topic of C&F came up, and one prof told all the new students that if they had concerns about passing the Law Society's C&F evaluation they should see him for help.

Edited by canuckfanatic
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I know of a former cop who was fired from the force for being convicted of child luring who is currently articling.

The law societies just want fee-paying members and only give lip service to character and fitness (note: this is commentary, not advice about whether anyone in particular will encounter issues).

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  • Undergrad
15 minutes ago, CleanHands said:

I know of a former cop who was fired from the force for being convicted of child luring who is currently articling.

The law societies just want fee-paying members and only give lip service to character and fitness (note: this is commentary, not advice about whether anyone in particular will encounter issues).

If I remember correctly, at least 2-3 individuals that were convicted of sexual offences pertaining to minors have publicly passed the Canadian C&F (Good Character) and were called to the bar, these instances were all in Ontario so it's actually not that inconceivable. One was on the news quite recently because of this I think. 

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