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1L Grades - only Public on transcript for 1L recruit?


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Hey so, 

I'm a 1L student who just wrapped up my first semester. As most of you probably know, Queens has every foundational course other than Public and Constitutional law as a full-year course. 

My dilemma is that while I finished with a B+ in Public Law, I did not do amazing on one of the midterms I just got back (I'm talking way below a B, I'm doing everything I can do get feedback and thank GOD its only 10% and I plan to do the optional assignment to bring it up).

The wisdom I've gotten at the CDO is to also attach a typed list of my midterm grades so far next to my transcript, but I'm not comfortable with doing that for the obvious reason stated above. 

I'm not sure if this should be said, but I am not interested in BigLaw in the slightest. 

Will only submitting my transcript with only the B+ be okay or should I be upfront about my midterm?

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Most employers with familiarity with applications from Queens will know that standard practice is to include a list of midterm grades. Against that backdrop, they’re going to assume someone who didn’t send it did very poorly on their midterms. 

In contrast, most employer that aren’t familiar with applications from Queens will likely not care very much about a single poor grade. 

In other words, you should probably just be upfront about it. 

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