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Clerkship Interviews: 2025-2026

Goblin King

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  • Law Student

Would anyone be able to tell me what a good GPA is for getting an SCC clerkship? My law school operates on a 4.25 GPA scale (with an A+ being 4.25 GPA points) and my GPA is currently 3.65. I am hoping that my GPA will go to at least a 3.70 after the fall semester and when I would apply to the SCC.

I have relevant experience (mooting, law journal, RA positions for professors, publications), but not sure about the GPA requirements. I don't think I will medal at my school with a 3.7 range GPA; it would need to be higher to medal.

Any insights would be much appreciated! I know there are some of you who have applied for an SCC clerkship/interviewed/accepted a SCC clerkship offer. 🙂

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  • Law Student

I don't have a direct answer for your GPA question, but here is what I've gathered about what it takes to be "competitive" at the SCC. I think you can use this info to deduce the competitiveness of your 3.65/4.25 GPA.

90% of SCC clerks nowadays have another appellate clerkship on their resume (plus, in many cases, a year as an articling student or associate before/after that appellate clerkship). The remaining 10% seem to fall into three categories: they have a trial clerkship + a year at a firm, they have a PhD, or they went to Harvard/Yale. (I wish I was exaggerating lol)

So if you're applying as a 3L next year, you should already know roughly where you stand based on that information alone.

If you have an appellate clerkship lined up already, then I would assume your 3.65 GPA is quite strong and is probably in the "competitive range" to at least be considered - obviously more to it from there.

If you have a trial clerkship lined up (and perhaps you had some appellate interviews this year?), then maybe you're more on the fringe right now. The more likely path in this situation would be that you apply to the SCC next year, and then apply again the following year while completing your clerkship.

If as a 2L you have no clerkship lined up yet, then you are very likely a minimum of two years out from being competitive at the SCC, regardless of your GPA (assuming you're not a medallist, like you said). The path from here would be to secure a different clerkship next year, which you complete after articling, and then secure an SCC clerkship while completing your articles.

It's a bit crazy but that is the current state of affairs.


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  • Articling Student

To add to what @scootersaid, my understanding (from a former SCC Justice for what it’s worth) is that the appellate clerkship really improves your applications competitiveness. I would go so far to say that your GPA becomes less of a concern and the letter of reference from your Justice becomes the big driver of your application.

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  • Law Student

Thanks for your advice! I have a trial clerkship lined up (at the ONSC) which I will be completing from 2025-2026 (my articling year). I am planning to apply to the Fed Courts, appellate courts (ON and BC) and the SCC next year and see what happens. I did not interview at any appellate courts this year. I only received ONSC interviews, FC interviews, and BC interview first round. 

Any advice for what I can do between now and when I apply in 3L to improve my chances of getting an appellate clerkship? Would you say that having publications would improve my chances? I am trying to raise my GPA and do better but sometimes it can be hard with tricky and time-constrained exams and the curve...

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  • Law Student
8 hours ago, law777 said:

Thanks for your advice! I have a trial clerkship lined up (at the ONSC) which I will be completing from 2025-2026 (my articling year). I am planning to apply to the Fed Courts, appellate courts (ON and BC) and the SCC next year and see what happens. I did not interview at any appellate courts this year. I only received ONSC interviews, FC interviews, and BC interview first round. 

Any advice for what I can do between now and when I apply in 3L to improve my chances of getting an appellate clerkship? Would you say that having publications would improve my chances? I am trying to raise my GPA and do better but sometimes it can be hard with tricky and time-constrained exams and the curve...

Strong recommendations also count for a lot! Cultivate a close relationship with a couple of professors through working as research assistants or teaching assistants, if you don't already have that experience. Of course, the RAs/TAs experience are worthwhile in itself, in my opinion. The more details the professors can give that concretely speaks to your abilities, the stronger the letter will be — and that is highly dependent on your relationship with the professor, beyond simply having had a good grade in their course.

Who writes your letters also have a huge impact. Certain letters will carry more weight — professors who have had successfully endorsed students as clerks, their letters may carry more weight...sort of the "tried and tested" (you recommended someone before, it worked out, I trust your judgment).

Last is to have a record that speaks to your ability to navigate various areas of law: between public and private law; criminal law; civil and common law. Within public law, the ability to navigate not just the Charter, but also federalism/division of powers. This last point can come through your writing samples and/or your research assistant experience (among other things).

Good luck!


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